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Chi Nei Tsang Form & Case Study

Cosmic Healing form click here
Cosmic Healing Teacher form click here
Chi Nei Tsang I form click here
Chi Nei Tsang Microcurrent form click here
Chi Nei Tsang II form click here
Chi Nei Tsang III Tok Sen form click here
Chi Nei Tsang IV Karsai form click here
Chi Nei Tsang V Life Pulse form click here

German Version
Chi Nei Tsang I form click here
Chi Nei Tsang II form click here
Chi Nei Tsang III form click here
Chi Nei Tsang V form click here

French Version
Chi Nei Tsang I form click here
Chi Nei Tsang III form click here

Chi Nei Tsang I form click here

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Dear Jutta,

My arms and hands are feeling better every day. I can literally see, how the carpal tunnel opens more and more. I still make stretch exercises and also did cupping on my arms but your treatment with TokSen and your massage has improved the condition in my arms and hands so much. Thank you so much!

With love


September 4th, 2018.

Nataša Kovač

M.M. , 58 years female from Belgium, came to me (Nataša Kovač) with so called “frozen shoulder”. She could lift right hand for only a few centimeters. Left side was even worse. She was sleepless, having pain during the nights and she couldn’t do much due to this pain. Even to change the clothes was difficult for her. Read More.


Carole H...from Reims France

This young psychologist in her 30s attended Aïsha’s sessions in the past and most of the time she felt sick during the workshop. One day she said her gynecologist had discovered a huge fibroid of 11 cm. She asked me to give her sessions of TokSen. I started doing so but we met only during the workshops and this  was not enough. . Read More.

Ms Soares

This charwomen has suffered from Dupuytren disease (a blockage of a canal with crystallization that prevent the fingers to stay straight and lets them bent) She underwent surgery to recover the use of her right fingers. When I met her left thumb was bent at right angle and she needed her right hand to pull it straight again with a lot of pain.Read More.                                  

Mark and Malvina
During last term of 2017 a participant of Aïsha’s CNT session felt terrible pain in the back and between the shoulders. She asked me for a Tok Sen that she did not know. I gave her a quick session in the evening & the next morning she was grateful because no pain remained. Read More.

Testimonial of Organ Breathing Massage

Frederic S ...

I have suffered from a  begnin hydrocel on the left testicule since 2002, it was quite noticeable  but  it was not addressed by the MD. My urologist did not consider necessary to practise  any kind of urgery despite the pains I felt when my testicule was  touched. Read More.

Nataša Kovač ...

I have suffered from a  begnin hydrocel on the left testicule since 2002, it was quite noticeable  but  it was not addressed by the MD. My urologist did not consider necessary to practise  any kind of urgery despite the pains I felt when my testicule was  touched. Read More.

Testimonial from Anne Marie Marty:


Hélène C… from Paris suburbs
On the 12 December 2017 I did CNT and Tok Sen on a lady with serious knee problems and with pain under the right shoulder blade. She had undergone knee surgery 20 years ago &currently she is waiting for a new knee surgery soon. On that day she could hardly walk and suffered excruciating pains due to a huge swollen knee after too much effort during a quick walk. Read More.

Testimonials of genitals Tok Sen

Monica Debaecque 
Age group 30s, Fresnes France

With half a unicorne uterus I underwent a successful procedure of pregnancy by IVF 6 years ago. Since then several attempts among which three beginnings of pregnancy that ended with  miscarriage, the last one required surgery with absorption. Later with hysteroscopy numerous scars (synechia)  were discovered on the uterus. This made it impossible to envision a new attempt of IVF without undergoing a surgery first. . Read More.

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For more information do not hesitate to contact us.
Universal Healing Tao Center
Tao Garden Health Spa & Resort, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
274/1 Moo 7, Luang Nua, Doi Saket, Chiang Mai, 50220 Thailand
Telephone: +66 (0) 53 921 200
Information for Mantak Chia training email: universaltao@universal-tao.com
Information for Tao Garden Health Spa & Resort email: retreatreservation@tao-garden.com

Purchase Chi Nei Tsang I book
Purchase Chi Nei Tsang II book